Booking request

Personal information
Please tell us your first and last name.
Please tell us your email address.
Please, repeat your email address for verification.
Please tell us where you come from.
Please tell us the name of the university, college, school or institution you come from.
Reservation data
You are requesting a booking for this residence.
You are requesting a booking for this room type.

Day of arrival at the residence
Day of departure from the residence
Request for information

Do you have questions about this residence? Ask us your question in this field or leave the observations about your booking here.

Please enter your mobile phone number if you prefer to be contacted with a call from us.
Ask your question or leave any observations here.

When we receive the form, we will contact you to confirm if there are places available for the option and dates you have chosen. If there are none, we will propose several alternatives for you to consider.

Feel free at all times to contact us by WhatsApp or by phone. You can also, if you wish, arrange a visit to our residences.